Monday, 7 May 2012


Hi guys, thank you for all the emails asking about the new posts I was meant to have put up; but as most of you are aware, I have been looking after my father inlaw since he came home from hospital. Unfortunately he sadly passwed away Tuesday morning. So as you can imagine I havnt been up to sorting out my work, scanning it in etc. But thought I better write this post as it woud take too long to email everyone back individualy.
Please bear with me and I promise I will be making regular posts again soon.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

watercolours really arent my thing :(

some quick watercolour sketchs of my sisters rabbit flopsy and my dwatf rabbit Howard.
will post some pics of my pug drawings shortly, once i figure out how to scan A3 with my new scanner/printer. I hate technology.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

apples in oils

I did this 8"x10" oil painting for my friend Alan. its a shame that the flash on camera takes away the detail

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

kittens and portraits

here is one of my latest creations, ive done her hair darker than what it is on the photo im drawing it from, I really enjoyed do this one.
Have done a few other pics but havnt taken photos yet as ive been way too busy adoring these little guys....
Monty and Thomas. Daisy had these lovely little fellows 2weeks ago. I cant believe how much they have grown already. We are so inlove with them, we are keeping them both.

Sunday, 16 May 2010


From next mon onward I will be free to take on any commission work. A3 pencil portraits are £20 each (special offer) and if you buy 5 you get 1 free. Believe it or not, now is  a good time ready to order for this christmas as I get really busy towards the end of the year.

Some people I have done work for in the past have opften said that they wished they had more cash around christmas time, as once people had seen what I had created for them, they liked it so much and other people had commented on my work, that they wished they had asked me to do more portraits for them to give to other people. .....So now what a few people tend to do it as soon as they have spare cash they pay me in advance....they could give me £100 whenever they have it spare, then they can order their 5 pics plus the one free anytime later in the year when they need it so they dont have to worry about finding the money at the time. sort of like when you sav eup an dpay everyweek ready for those christmas hampers, only you can cliam your hamper (or in this case , a portrait) anytime, you dont have to wait until christmas.

Portraits make lovely gifts for anniversaries, birthdays, valentines, christmas ,mothers day, fathers day or just an everyday gift to make someone smile or let them know that you love them.
Why not treat yourself and get a new piece of art for your own home or office. It doesnt have to be a picture of a family member, it could be one of your favourite celebrity or even your pet.

email me with any questions   and put portriat as your subject heading